imageHaven’t been on here in forever! Recapping my last shows.. I did pretty good! My first show I placed 3rd in my height class and 1s place in Masters+35- and in my 2nd show I placed 5th in Masters and 6th in bikini class C- although I didn’t place as well I had a lot more competition- great for me to see how to gauge the athletes and incorporate into my goals for this year!

I reversed dieted out and will stick around 6-10 pounds above stage weight.. Reverse dieting is soooo important and also challenging but have a plan post comp!

My cals are back up now and I’m am weight training 5 days a week-  then some cardio- not a lot just enough to keep my weight down and Cardio benefits.. Weekends if I feel like it which I usually do, I try fun classes-play around w different exercises and equipment etc. I call it my gym play days!

I continue to food prep and eat clean w occasional indulgences 🙂 lookin forward to improving this year and doing a few shows!

Learned so much doing this prep and hope for a much happier, healthier prep this year!

I hit legs really hard and ohhh man I’m feeling it! I wish there was a massage therapist I could ask to help without it being weird! Lol- oh well- hopefully tomorrow I will be feeling better! Gotta get that bikini booty!


I love these! They kill fat! They are fast and hard as heck! Try them!



Leg day and shoulders! Worked so hard today! Did it sprint interval workout with my little guy this morning! We had fun racing each other up the ramp! Course he won 🙂 oh also fought crime today- cops came and asked if a guy had passed they were looking for and we did! So told them where he went… After the sprint fueled up and then hit the gym for some serious push! I am friggin beat! No joke- have a great day all!


Having a little fun with my gym gear!



Taking a spin on the mountain bike for my morning cardio- aiming for 45min to an hour-today is really busy but I gotta squeeze it in- I’m helping one of my bikini girls with her hair and makeup tonight so I am pretty excited about that too! It’s hard doing the 2 a days.. I need to adjust to the energy expenditure- but it’s all good in the hood! I’m just so excited to see changes! Hard working- muscles hurting-sweat dripping changes! Today I am off to work on this beautiful sunny day at a golf outing! Have a great day peeps!

HIIT training

Posted: June 18, 2013 in Uncategorized


Progress picture

The left is December the right is about 2 weeks ago- embarrassed to post but I guess we all start somewhere! Still have a ton of work to do but there’s some progress at least! There is just a 5 pound weight loss here (148-144) but I put on some muscle and am not as fluffy- I also feel stronger and healthier than ever before!

Progress pic back