Posts Tagged ‘bodybuilding’

I love checking out new places!! Keeps it new and seeing the atmosphere keeps me motivated! Also got to see some friends 🙂 bonus- when your bored or sick of same old- get In your car and take a drive!! Check out a new place!!


Sorry haven’t posted in so long!
Vacation blah blah blah! Anyway prep has been going well- Now anyway! I hadn’t been losing for weeks and couldn’t figure it out! I evaluated my diet- knew I was measuring all my food so I wasn’t going over at (1200 K right now) I am working out 5-7 days a week both on weights and cardio- I was not only frustrated but STUMPED! I started reading and researching and low and behold came across a site discussing liver function.. I was Not drinking enough water! When dehydrated liver takes over function of kidneys to compensate dehydration. Thus- Not metabolizing fat like its supposed to.. As a response to that excess water weight is stored in the organs as body goes into dehydration mode. I looked at my water intake and am way under.. I’m likely not drinking enough.. -anyway once body is fully hydrated liver can do its job again burn FAT and kidneys theirs- flush fat and toxins..And also once hydrated the body will also dump the water it’s storing in “reserve”
anyway guess who’s upping their water! Well since I did that I lost 6 pounds! So happy to see some progress!

Progress pics– the first (embarrassing)is from December – the other 3 are from 3 weeks-2 weeks and then today


I can’t believe it! I’ve never had abs in my LIFE and they’re finally starting to show! I’m very proud! I thought it would never happen! Guess my hard work is paying off! 🙂



Leg day and shoulders! Worked so hard today! Did it sprint interval workout with my little guy this morning! We had fun racing each other up the ramp! Course he won 🙂 oh also fought crime today- cops came and asked if a guy had passed they were looking for and we did! So told them where he went… After the sprint fueled up and then hit the gym for some serious push! I am friggin beat! No joke- have a great day all!


I’m so happy! Weighed in today and down 2 pounds.. Haven’t changed my diet at all- but eating very clean and healthy.. Still at between 1500-1800 calories.. My main goal of the prepping for this competition is to work hard but lose my weight gradually. I don’t want to starve myself and do things that are unhealthy for my body.. I want to maintain my body AFTER the competition.. Not gain 10-20 pounds back like I see many competitors do! So far my energy levels are high and I feel very strong and healthy.. This morning for breakfast I had 1 protein/whole wheat pancake/blueberries/3 eggs- this is more than what I typically take in for 1 meal but my son is home and I wanted to enjoy a nice breakfast with him as in the summer he is with his dad. It wasn’t over the top though prob about 500cal. I will stay low carb the rest of the day and keep the rest of my meals around 300cal. Still gotta get my workout in sometime today too! Going to do some HIIT then hit up my back.. Have great day everyone!


Haha great workouts today! Did my morning cardio then last night I was so turned I ended up doing legs and shoulders today instead.. I actually felt really guilty for missing but I wasn’t “lazy” tired I was depleted tired so I needed the rest.. Playing with my food a little to see whats going maximize my energy levels.. So once I fix that I will feel better! Today I felt great so I’m going to get plenty of sleep and let my muscles GROW!


Today is leg day my friends! My favorite body part to work! I literally wake up on leg day and have butterflies from it.. I know huge dork! I’m working hard to shape my glutes, quads and hams- my trouble spots! I’m doing 2 legs days a week now.. One is a more glute focused workout… When I’m not doing leg day I’m wishing it were leg day! Gotta build that booty! Bump bump – just say no to Mom butt!!

lol pics of my workout to come 🙂 have a great day everyone!



Taking a spin on the mountain bike for my morning cardio- aiming for 45min to an hour-today is really busy but I gotta squeeze it in- I’m helping one of my bikini girls with her hair and makeup tonight so I am pretty excited about that too! It’s hard doing the 2 a days.. I need to adjust to the energy expenditure- but it’s all good in the hood! I’m just so excited to see changes! Hard working- muscles hurting-sweat dripping changes! Today I am off to work on this beautiful sunny day at a golf outing! Have a great day peeps!