Archive for the ‘biking’ Category

Sorry haven’t posted in so long!
Vacation blah blah blah! Anyway prep has been going well- Now anyway! I hadn’t been losing for weeks and couldn’t figure it out! I evaluated my diet- knew I was measuring all my food so I wasn’t going over at (1200 K right now) I am working out 5-7 days a week both on weights and cardio- I was not only frustrated but STUMPED! I started reading and researching and low and behold came across a site discussing liver function.. I was Not drinking enough water! When dehydrated liver takes over function of kidneys to compensate dehydration. Thus- Not metabolizing fat like its supposed to.. As a response to that excess water weight is stored in the organs as body goes into dehydration mode. I looked at my water intake and am way under.. I’m likely not drinking enough.. -anyway once body is fully hydrated liver can do its job again burn FAT and kidneys theirs- flush fat and toxins..And also once hydrated the body will also dump the water it’s storing in “reserve”
anyway guess who’s upping their water! Well since I did that I lost 6 pounds! So happy to see some progress!

Today was hard.. A bunch of family issues came up that’s really got me down.. Being the oldest I feel very responsible for everyone.. And I like it that way but sure wasn’t feeling my workout.. Finally gathered up the motivation to work out.. And sooo glad I did.. Hit my legs then did incline walking.. Talked with a friend- I guess life is better now 🙂 had some chicken and gonna sleep.. By the way chicken marinated in pickle juice is fricking amazing! No joke! Try it- you’re welcome!



Taking a spin on the mountain bike for my morning cardio- aiming for 45min to an hour-today is really busy but I gotta squeeze it in- I’m helping one of my bikini girls with her hair and makeup tonight so I am pretty excited about that too! It’s hard doing the 2 a days.. I need to adjust to the energy expenditure- but it’s all good in the hood! I’m just so excited to see changes! Hard working- muscles hurting-sweat dripping changes! Today I am off to work on this beautiful sunny day at a golf outing! Have a great day peeps!