Posts Tagged ‘HIIT’

Love doing hiit for workouts they are fast but HARD and torch cals like a mofo-here’s my most recent!! Also great for your glutes and hams!!!

Give it the ole college try and lemme know how you like it!!

STEPMILL HIIT work out: doing 10 rounds- if you’re new to stepmill aim for 6–8 rounds and work up to 10 rounds

3 min warmup at level 5-6
1 min- level 15-20 (20 is basically jogging BE CAREFUL- level 20 is for advanced if not used to stepmill or just starting out level 12-15 is fine and work up to 20
1-minute- level 6-8 (4-6 for beginner)
1 minute level 20 skipping steps (12-15 for beginner)
1 minute level 6-8 (4-6 for beginner)
1 minute level 20 (12-15 for beginner)
1 minute level 6-8 (4-6 for beginner)
1 minute level 20 skipping steps (12-15 for beginner)
1 minute level 6 (4-6 for beginner)
1 minute level 20 (12-15 for beginner)
1 minute level 6-8 (4-6 for beginner)
1 minute level 20 skipping steps (12-15 for beginner)
1 minute level 6-8 (4-6 for beginner)
1 minute level 20 (12-15 for beginner)
1 minute level 6-8 (4-6 for beginner)
1 minute level 20 skipping steps (12-15 for beginner)
Okay might be feeling a little pukey now but almost DONE
1 minute level 6-8 (4-6 for beginner)
1 minute 20 (12-15 for beginner)
1 minute level 6-8 (4-6 for beginner)
1 minute level 20 (12-15 for beginner)

Cool down 3-5 minutes- Drink plenty of water!!!


I can’t believe it! I’ve never had abs in my LIFE and they’re finally starting to show! I’m very proud! I thought it would never happen! Guess my hard work is paying off! 🙂


I think one of my biggest challenges is learning how to NOT live by the scale.. Funny how ONE piece of equipment can make or break my day.. I started this journey the beginning of December 2012- I wasn’t terribly overweight but I was UNHEALTHY and squishy :p- I also felt horrible! Anyway since then I’ve lost about 7 pounds- not alot considering the diet change and the amount of exercise I have put in…BUT thankfully I took pics and have them to compare because I look so different! I have definition- my body is more compact- I’ve put on lots of lean muscle- so while the scale is not going down alot I’m looking much more lean! So I need to take a deep breath and put the scale away! Once a week weigh ins and comparison pics should be all I’m doing! Anyway- time for some Cardio and tonight chest- it’s a beautiful day in WI!


I love these! They kill fat! They are fast and hard as heck! Try them!



Leg day and shoulders! Worked so hard today! Did it sprint interval workout with my little guy this morning! We had fun racing each other up the ramp! Course he won 🙂 oh also fought crime today- cops came and asked if a guy had passed they were looking for and we did! So told them where he went… After the sprint fueled up and then hit the gym for some serious push! I am friggin beat! No joke- have a great day all!

Progress picture 8 days apart- not much change but going to keep tracking weekly anyway- hopefully next week sees more! Working hard though still at my a.m cardio and evening lifting!


Warming up legs with some incline walking today.. Do you get sick of the gym for cardio like me!? I try to get creative with my cardio so it’s not work but fun! I spotted this beautiful spot in a local park for incline walking.. It’s a good stretch. Prob about 400meters so I’m doing 10 rounds up this puppy. Run up/walk down- giving it my all every time! Should take me about 30 min and after going to refuel and hit the gym for some serious glute work!


Having a little fun with my gym gear!


Ever hear the excuse.. I don’t have time! I can’t afford a gym! i have kids! I work too much! blah!Blah! blah wah! wah! Stop being a crybaby! Throw together some things at home and make time! It takes 20 minutes if done right! Stop making excuses step away from your TV – hell do it in FRONT of your TV but do it! Your kids can even join the fun! My son loves it! Get up and go!


Time for a little and by little I mean big HIIT workout.. Like my Low intensity cardio I had no problem performing the workout with out breakfast first.. But with HIIT- no way! Through my first round I already felt tired.. Granted I have upped my workouts but I knew I didn’t give it my all. Today decided I’m going try a banana pre-workout and see if that helps. If done correctly HIIT workouts are hard as hell! These workouts are meant to be short in duration and mean! And mean they are! So today I’m running through the same workout as Tuesday and see if I have a better performance.. Who know maybe I just suck lol but I doubt it! : ) its a beautiful day in Wisconsin today! Have a wonderful day!
