Posts Tagged ‘Npc bikini competition prep’

Man haven’t been in here for awhile but here I am now… Started my next prep! I’m slowly making progress and feeling much happier and healthier this year! I’m enjoying the process much more and have learned soo much!! I just bought 2 new suits! Stalking ups to see where they are!! So excited!! Ive been religiously practicing my posing too- that you can never practice enough!! Right now doing cardio mainly HIIT and carb cycle style dieting- lower carb on low days (cardio only) and higher carb on heavy days with lifting legs.. I’m trying to lose some size in my upper body so not lifting upper and haven’t for 3 months.. I have a wider upper body and prefer bikini over figure so that’s why I am trying to lose some size 🙂 My cardio of choice is HIIT workouts!! They are fast and well they work! Here is todays!! STEPMILL HIIT work out: doing 10 rounds- if you’re new to stepmill aim for 6–8 rounds and work up to 10 rounds 3 min warmup at level 5-6 1 min- level 15-20 (20 is basically jogging BE CAREFUL- level 20 is for advanced if not used to stepmill or just starting out level 12-15 is fine and work up to 20 1-minute- level 6-8 (4-6 for beginner) 1 minute level 20 skipping steps (12-15 for beginner) 1 minute level 6-8 (4-6 for beginner) 1 minute level 20 (12-15 for beginner) 1 minute level 6-8 (4-6 for beginner) 1 minute level 20 skipping steps (12-15 for beginner) 1 minute level 6 (4-6 for beginner) 1 minute level 20 (12-15 for beginner) 1 minute level 6-8 (4-6 for beginner) 1 minute level 20 skipping steps (12-15 for beginner) 1 minute level 6-8 (4-6 for beginner) WIPE THOSE TEARS WE ARE ALMOST DONE 1 minute level 20 (12-15 for beginner) 1 minute level 6-8 (4-6 for beginner) 1 minute level 20 skipping steps (12-15 for beginner) Okay might be feeling a little pukey now but almost DONE 1 minute level 6-8 (4-6 for beginner) 1 minute 20 (12-15 for beginner) 1 minute level 6-8 (4-6 for beginner) LAST ONE!! PUSH! 1 minute level 20 (12-15 for beginner) Cool down 3-5 minutes- Drink plenty of water!!! image

After months of contemplation I choose my suit, it’s here and I love it 🙂


So this summer my son wasn’t with me as much so to keep busy I spent a lot of long hours in at the gym.. I was trying to figure out how I could still get my workouts in without affecting his life too much.. I mean I don’t see my little guy all day so the nights are really for him.. So I’m doing EARLY workouts I’m up at 4:20a.m and at the gym by 4:45-5a.m- I switched weight lifting to the morning and at night we can do more cardio together which I gear to make fun for him and I so he isn’t bored.. So far it’s working, he loves it 🙂 it was hard for a few days getting on schedule but now I’m used to it! I think being on this schedule really helps us! I make everything for lunch the night before and lay our clothes out for work and the gym.. So I don’t dilly dally trying to find my stuff in the morning.. I may go as far to say, becoming a little more organized because this is important to me so I’m going to make it happen 🙂